Face to Face with the Father: John the Revelator (VIDEO)

A groundbreaking work of prophetic fiction! This audio sample: John at Patmos. Purchase Face to Face with the Father at Fathersheartmedia.com. Face to Face with the Father is a chronicle of the men and women who saw the face of God and lived. In this work of Biblical fiction you will join men and women […]


December 2012 Breakthrough Prophetic Word (VIDEO)

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for December 2012 the Father steps back through time to rewrite your destiny and assure your breakthrough.   [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDafSBQLxrg&feature=youtu.be=800&h=420] The Father says today that AS I AM so are you in your life. AS I AM so are YOU in the earth […]


The Father Says Today: November 30th, 2012

The Father says today that when My son walked the earth part of His assignment was to model for you WHAT IS POSSIBLE. You are child of possibility says the Father. Make a choice today to be a living manifestation of WHO I AM. You are My declaration of limitless joy and boundless potential. Today […]


The Father Says Today: November 29th, 2012

The Father says today I have a proposal for you. I propose that you relinquish all your burdens and circumstances and accept My intervention. I am willing to carry your burdens not just the first mile but the second, third and fourth mile. You aren’t wearing out My patience says the Father. While your heart […]


The Father Says Today: November 28th, 2012

The Father says today you are not under the law of sin and death any longer. So right now I want you to take that cleansing breath that exhales all the dust and debris of the law and all its consequences. No longer see yourself as subject to that law any longer says the Father. […]


The Father Says Today: November 27th, 2012

The Father says today just how much of My presence are you ready to walk in? You do understand that there is never a time that I am closer to you than I am right now? The issue is the magnitude of your own focus and attention. You ARE where your ATTENTION takes you. Place […]


The Father Says Today: November 26th, 2012

The Father says today I am breaking off of you the rigidity of spirit the enemy has attempted to poison you with. The enemy knows what a threat you are and the only way he can impede you is by seducing you into a brittle and inflexible attitude toward what I am doing in your […]


The Father Says Today: November 25th, 2012

The Father says that I am going to scandalize your enemies with My love for you. I am going to turn them on their ear and rob them of all peace. I will do this by having the unmitigated gall to love you AS you ARE where YOU ARE. Isn’t that grand? I delight to […]


The Father Says Today: November 24th, 2012

The Father says today slip into something comfortable today: Step into ME. I am the COMFORTER after all. It’s who I am its what I do. I am the God of All Comfort. I have made it possible for you to come as a friend and find communion with Me. I am incapable of pretense […]


The Father Says Today: November 23rd, 2012

The Father says I am not a God who is far off. You are not estranged from Me. You are My first and my last thought. The sense of distance you feel from time to time from My presence is the enemy’s attempt to distract you. The enemy wants to draw your attention away from […]