The Father Says Today: October 6th, 2018

The Father says today, embrace My process. You didn’t get in the situation you are in overnight, and it won’t change overnight without a level of cooperation you are not accustomed to giving Me. Do you want accelerated change? Then provide accelerated obedience. Sow into the fruits of positive affirmation of My word. Sow into […]


The Father Says Today: October 5th, 2018

The Father says today, Christ in you is the hope of Glory. There is in you, in the glory, resolution of all lack and downturn in your life. Though you’ve tread the path of poverty and disappointment your whole life, My glory will utterly change it all in a moment of time when you realize […]


The Father Says Today: October 4th, 2018

The Father says today, don’t just believe that I can – believe that I will. All the provisions of Calvary are yes and amen. I will NEVER say no to what the cross says yes to. That isn’t what you have been taught but be a Father-pleaser, rejecting the lie and embracing the truth of […]


The Father Says Today: October 3rd, 2018

The Father says today, war with My words in your mouth. When you speak My word, you are speaking the truth. Even if the things that come out of your mouth are not descriptive of what is happening in your life – My word is still the truth. In fact, the reality in My word […]


The Father Says Today: October 2nd, 2018

The Father says today, My word is producing a change in your life. You have cried out for change, and it is available. There is no mysterious season to come that is different than the season you are in right now. You are not waiting on some undefinable time frame when things will randomly begin […]


The Father Says Today: October 1st, 2018

The Father says today, begin to say what I have said. As you speak My word, My word will supersede the circumstances in your life. My word causes faith to come, and faith moves the mountains. Faith causes, in fact, provokes you to take the corresponding action that shifts situations and things change for the […]


The Father Says Today: September 30th, 2018

The Father says today, take a step forward in your faith. You believe I can. You know that I can. You know that the mountains move and the seas boil at the breath of My nostrils. This is a fact, and it is a reality down on the inside of you. Go a step further! […]


The Father Says Today: September 29th, 2018

The Father says today, when you lay your money at the feet of My apostles, the money that you leave behind for your own needs will begin to move by the Spirit. I say again that MONEY MOVES BY THE SPIRIT when you connect with Me in support of My initiatives in the earth. When […]


The Father Says Today: September 28th, 2018

The Father says today, allow My kindness to work change in you. It is My kindness that leads to repentance. Never interpret My long suffering as license to go on conducting your life in opposition to what you know I have asked of you. I give space only for a limited time that you might […]


The Father Says Today: September 27th, 2018

The Father says today, you are not a sin carrier; you are a God-carrier. I have made you God-kind. You belong to Me. You are a member of the family named in heaven and your redemption from every contrary condition is provided in the now resource of the Cross. Receive this, says God! You are […]