The Father Says Today: June 14th, 2013

The Father says today that I declare and proclaim that you are a COME OUTER and an OVERCOMER! You are coming out says the Father! You are coming out of loss and you are coming out of restriction. I am LARGE and IN CHARGE over every affair of your life. The enemy of your soul […]


Pre-Election Prophetic Round Table Part 5: Compelled into the Harvest! (Video)

Events and happenings on the world scene alarm cause many to see a doom and gloom scenario ahead. In this video segment of a pre-election prophetic round table Prophet Russ Walden points out that this isn’t the devil getting the upper hand but rather God’s people being COMPELLED INTO THE HARVEST. Let the times we […]


A Prophetic Perspective on the Love of God

A wonderful understanding of the character of personal prophecy is found by substituting the phrase PERSONAL PROPHECY for LOVE in 1 Cor. 13. What would be the pretense for doing this? Because prophecy including personal prophecy is particularly connected to the person of the Lord Jesus. We know this from reading the following verse: Rev […]